First-time home buyers are often unsure of the steps to take to buy a home. The first thing is to make sure that you have your finances in order. This means paying down debt, maintaining a good credit score, and saving up money for closing costs and a down payment. Once these items have been addressed, get a loan pre-approval from a reputable lender. You will submit employment, income, debt, and other financial information to the lender. This will tell you how much you can afford, how much money you need to have saved up, and other important details. Any realtor will want this information before taking you out to look for homes. You will also need this loan pre-approval letter in order to submit an offer on a property. At this point you will be able to search for homes and submit an offer. Your real estate agent will guide you through the buying process from here. Pinyon Properties is your real estate one-stop-shop! We are the best real estate brokerage for first-time home buyers and expert buyers as well! We serve Nevada and Utah residents.